About Me

I am the proud mother of 6 children. 5 of our children have autism. We do not feel our world has ended, but just begun. We do not chelate, intervene biochemically, give shots of any kind, practice ABA, etc. We treat them as we treat any humanbeing. We treat them with kindness and respect and expect the same from them. They are exceptional children.

Blog Archive

Friday, September 22, 2006

Comfort Food....

I am so excited Fall is here. I love to cook and I love to cook comfort food, such as stews, soups, chili, breads, muffins, cookies, etc.
I know what you are thinking...I live in Texas. And yes, Fall is still 90 degrees. But, in my mind, it is 45 degrees outside and I am cooking COMFORT FOOD.
As of right now, I have an oven full of homemade M & M cookies. Next up, chocolate chip. I have promised the teacher's I would make them, and I always keep my promises.
My kids love when we cook these foods. I hope I am giving them the memories I have when I cook them. I hope when they grow up they will get a happy feeling when they make these foods, just like I do when I make them.
In September, we attempt to make homemade pretzels and bagels in the oven. The children shape the pretzels into the most amazing designs. What artistic children I have raised....have no idea where they get it.
On Halloween, we have bowls of chili with cheese cut out like Jack-O-Lantern's. Last Halloween, we had 89 degree weather. But, chili we had, because my kids expect it.
On Thanksgiving, we make 3 turkeys, 1 ham and 1 roast beef. We usually have friends and their families over. Mostly neighbors and old friends. Last year we had 30 people at one time at our home. It was magic. Lots of food from lots of beautiful people.
On Christmas, we make 2 turkeys, 2 roasts, and 1 ham. Again, lots of friends and neighbors. Kind of an open house. The house smells like heaven.
Christmas in our house is not about the gifts. My children each get one big item they ask for and many little items they don't expect. They are not greedy kids. They love to open their presents and then share them with their siblings and friends.
I guess that is why comfort food means so much to me....I can relate all the good memories in my life to the smells and tastes of the food my Mother and Father made to make me feel so special.
I hope these are the same memories I can give to my children.....memories of comfort and love...
Even if it is through the bite of an M & M cookie.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chili and cheese Jack-O-Lanterns, that sounds both creative and delicious! I'm sure all your kids will have many good memories of family meals. :)