About Me

I am the proud mother of 6 children. 5 of our children have autism. We do not feel our world has ended, but just begun. We do not chelate, intervene biochemically, give shots of any kind, practice ABA, etc. We treat them as we treat any humanbeing. We treat them with kindness and respect and expect the same from them. They are exceptional children.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

If It Is Mercury Poisoning...Then Why Call It AUTISM????

This is the question I wanted answered on the AW Forum. But, instead of anybody answering me, they all busted a gut and gave some sarcastic comments.
My question to parent's who believe their children can be recovered or defeated or cured from Autism is this....Did they have Autism to begin with? If mercury poisoning is real, then the numbers of autism would decrease and make more sense.
There are parent's who truly believe their children were poisoned by the mercury in the vaccinations they received. To me, that child would not have true autism, but autistic tendencies due to mercury poisoning....totally different diagnosis.
I have met parent's who label their children with autism and an array of other disorders....OCD, ADHD, ADD, Bi-polar....
With autism comes many facets. 3 of our children are very OCD, but they are not OCD, they are AUTISTIC. 1 of our sons is extrememly hyperactive, but he does not have ADHD, he is AUTISTIC. These are some of the tendencies that come with the label of Autism.

So if any parent out there wants to remove the sarcasm and debate this with me, I would love it. If not, then I assume you have no answers for me.
It is not really that difficult to get an autism diagnosis these days. Alot of children fit into the spectrum, because they have made the spectrum so broad. If doctors would just get back to the basics of autism, the spectrum would close.
But, as you and I know, there is way too much money to be made from parent's of austistic children wanting to Defeat, Cure or Recover them. How else can they justify having a grocery cart icon on their websites?


John Best said...

You're right. The professionals who pin the label on kids should do tests and differentiate between autism and mercury poisoning. Then we'd know if they were curable or not. Good idea.

Saphire's Realm said...

It is my understanding that Autism carries a number of co-morbid conditions. ADHD being one of them. That label was given to my 3 yr old son along with the Autism, but for the record, he is NOT medicated. We do not follow a special diet. He goes to a special ed class every morning and has ABA in the afternoon. It appears you don't support ABA which is your right, however, it has made strides with my son. My habilitation worker is a wonderful college student who genuinely cares for my child. I guess I am just lucky.

Anonymous said...

It appears she doesn't support anything in the way of therapy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

God Bless you and your family, I respect your right to choose how to handle/ treat/ not treat your children. I hope that you also respect my choices of biomedical intervention, DAN protocol, ABA and homeopathy (to name a few)that have allowed my son to recover from autism (YES autism.. I don't buy the "misdiagnosis" crap, sorry) Be Well, L

Anonymous said...

It is not just the thimerisol in vaccines that can trigger autism. It can be the virus itself, the aluminum, or a combination of things. It can be something else in the environment, not even vaccines. Who knows?